[1] Multimodal neuroimaging research on human visuomotor behaviours in real-world settings – Postdoctoral Fellow

This post-doctoral position is for neuroimaging research on human visuomotor behaviours in real-world environments at the IMM Lab.

About the position

2023, June 16

We invite applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow (PDF) with particular interests in neuroimaging studies (fMRI and MEG) on visual perception and action in humans. The successful candidate will work on research projects led by Dr. Hee-Yeon Im (UBC Psychology) and Dr. Deborah Giaschi (UBC Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences), focusing on:

This position is for one year, with the possibility of renewal for a second year. Preferred start date is September-October, 2023. The salary is $52,000 per year plus benefits.

Responsibilities and Opportunities:

Responsibilities include:

  1. contributing to new study design and implementation;
  2. collecting and analyzing behavioural and neural data;
  3. leading teamwork;
  4. mentoring students; and
  5. engaging in the dissemination of findings.

The candidate will be supported to actively work on their publication record and present findings at international conferences. They will also have various opportunities for professional development and networking with academic collaborators. They will have access to excellent resources for conducting neuroscience research, including MEG, fMRI, and eye and hand motion trackers. The candidate will also have opportunities to expand their learning and networking through the UBC Research Excellence Cluster in Vision and BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute.

Qualifications and Experience

Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, or Indigenous person.

UBC hires based on merit and is committed to employment equity. We encourage all qualified applicants to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority.

To apply, please submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, contact details of two referees, and date of availability to Hee Yeon Im (heeyeon.im@ubc.ca). Review of applications will continue until the position is filled.

[1] Multimodal neuroimaging research on human visuomotor behaviours in real-world settings – Postdoctoral Fellow